Black Cohosh: A History of Women’s Health Support
Black cohosh has a history of use for women’s health issues dating back to Native Americans. Today it finds widespread usage for gynecological issues from menstruation to menopause. It is most commonly used for menopausal symptoms due to its estrogenic effect on the body.
Menopausal Symptoms and Black Cohosh
Menopausal symptoms vary from woman to woman, but the most common are hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches, loss of libido, weight gain, and breast tenderness. Numerous studies over the past 40 years have helped establish the efficacy of black cohosh as a treatment for menopausal symptoms.
Additional Support with Dong Quai and Chasteberry
Vitabase’s Black Cohosh Extract Plus includes two additional ingredients known for their effective support of women’s health: dong quai and chasteberry. These elements work synergistically with black cohosh for maximum effectiveness.
Standardized Extract for Optimal Effectiveness
Our standardized Black Cohosh Extract is made under strict European quality standards, which are comparable to over-the-counter drug standards in the United States. The extract provides optimal levels of naturally occurring triterpene glycosides.
Buy Black Cohosh Extract Plus Formula 120 Capsules Online
Buy Black Cohosh Extract Plus Formula 120 Capsules online and find relief from women's health issues. With its natural formula and standardized extract, this supplement is a great addition to your natural health routine. Order now and start experiencing the benefits of black cohosh!
Manufactured by Vitabase
Vitabase, a trusted brand in natural health supplements, manufactures Black Cohosh Extract Plus Formula 120 Capsules. You can trust that you are getting a high-quality product that meets strict European quality standards.